Monday, December 17, 2007'♥
Hi Guys,
Just informing you guys that
IITSC Retreat is being pushed back as we are not allowed to hold it in school.
So, the Retreat
WOULD NOT be on the 22nd of December!
For updates, do refer to the
Blog, Notice board and
yahoo groups for updates.
Let your fellow subcoms who haven't joined this group know about this!
Brought to you by ur subcomm heads marcus and shawn. =))
Loves, Dawnie :)
IITSC @Monday, December 17, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007'♥
Hi Guys, Hands Together II is here!!
Down Syndrome Association Flag Day!!
Location: Bugis Mrt Station
Time: 8am – 2pm
No. Required: 100
IITSC @Monday, December 03, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007'♥
There will be a meeting held for all sub comms on the 7th of December 2007 at 7pm.
T-Shirts will be printed, not issued, for those who turn up for the meeting. If you cannot make it, please inform Marcus or Shawn and if you cannot find them pls inform any other main committee member. NOTE: Those who informed us that they cannot attend the meeting will be recieving the shirt.
Diana <3
IITSC @Sunday, December 02, 2007